Pulsar lost colony gameplay 2018 generator#
FIxed a navmesh issue in the generator room of the Icefields planet.Fixed an incorrect item description found in the Madmans Mansion.Fixed a collision issue found on the Barwick Warp Coil Refinery Station.Atomizer should no longer be able to destroy quest-related items.Fixed an issue regarding projectiles occasionally colliding with one another and bouncing off in unintended directions.This is especially helpful when using an external controller with the Steam Deck. The game can now interact with multiple SteamInput devices at the same time.Improved sync speed for AI priorities when a non-host captain adds bots it still takes a minute or two for all of the priorities to fully sync up.Tweaked certain text fields to be larger and more readable for smaller screens and resolutions.Player should no longer be able to drop quest-related items.
Pulsar lost colony gameplay 2018 how to#
If youre interested, you can check out this page on how to do it: Weve opened up the ability to fully unlock the player camera.You can find this option in the general input settings in the controls menu. You can now toggle whether or not ship boost is activated by double-tap.This update includes a handful of fixes based on community feedback and some changes to improve compatibility with the Steam Deck. Fixed some issues reported by analytics regarding the voice chat system.Fixed a duplicate character issue that would appear sometimes in the character customization window.Fixed an issue with certain hand-held items not having the correct materials when returning from a Sylvassi cloak state.Fixed a few character customization options that werent correctly showing the specified color.